Мөрөн | The Mountain

Height, about 1500 meters | undeveloped | no agricultural cultivation Мөрөн (Sum) | Engl. Moron | Ger. Mörön | Chin. 木伦 | Jap. モロン Khentii Aimag | Eastern Highway about 20 km west form Өндөрхаан (Chinggis City /birth place of Genghis Khan)

location: 47° 22‘ 32.4“ N | 110° 18‘25.1“E   google maps



Mountains have inspired throughout times. Apart from any commercial or agricultural utilization the mountain is a symbol for the superiority of nature, calm, stability and wisdom – close to the sky. The project Мөрөн | The Mountain claims the mentoring of a specific mountain in Moron Sum, Mongolia. The mountain will not be modified in any way. The mountain is termed as a work of art. Commercial use of the mountain is not provided. The property provides open access for the general public.

We are interested in a discussion about the relation of men and nature, claiming and ownership and the perspective of value and growth. The artwork Мөрөн | The Mountain consists of a stock including all documents that describe the process of the dedication of the Mountain to Land Art Mongolia.

Edition: 1/1 inkprint on Bristol carton | Galerie Seitz & Partner Berlin
Frame: Spain 14th century

Palazzo Zorzi, Venice Biennial 2015
Galerie Seitz & Partner Berlin 2015




Өмнөх үг

Уул нурууд улиран өнгөрөх цаг хугацааны турш гүн ухаан, сансрын төсөөллийг олгож ирсэн. Уул бол угтаа давуу байдлын бэлэг тэмдэг юм. Уул нам тайван дүнсийж давуу, хөдөлшгүй бат бөх байдал, тэнгэрт ойрхон байдгаараа билэг ухаан төгөлдөр байдлыг билэгддэг.